Who is Professor Stremmel?
Dr. Wolfgang Stremmel studied medicine in Cologne, Germany. He received his Ph.D. thesis in Biochemistry at the university of Cologne about lipid metabolism. In 1978 he moved to the department of Internal Medicine at the university hospital in Düsseldorf. After he received his boards in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology he was promoted to a senior fellow position and became professor of medicine. He worked 2 years in the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City at a research project about uptake of bilirubin and fatty acids in cells. A transport system for these substances and iron was discovered. In the year 1988 he was honored by the German Research Council (DFG) with the Leibniz-Award.
In 1994 he was elected to become head of the department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases and Intoxication) at the university hospital in Heidelberg.
His research focused on discovery of the pathogenesis and therapy of metabolic diseases of liver and gut. Lately, the mucosal barrier and the role of phosphatidylcholine were his favored topics.
He retired from his position as head of the department in 2018.
Today he works in a private practice for Internal Medicine in Baden-Baden. He is still dedicated to his research fields. His driving philosophy is helping sick people with effective but harmless therapies .

Prof. Wolfgang Stremmel